You must read TermsOfUsage before installing or using any of this software. You should obtain the user's guide from the CDSplotcon webpage, for more information. INSTALLATION: First unzip and unpack the distribution file: gunzip CDSplotcon.tar.gz tar xvf CDSplotcon.tar cd CDSplotcon This will give you the files: aa2codon.dat EXAMPLE1/ mlrgd.R README runmean.cxx aa.dat EXAMPLE2/ ntadjust.cxx redo_mlrgd run_mlrgd addgaps.cxx minmax.cxx ntunadjust.cxx redo_plots TermsOfUsage codon.dat mlrgd.cxx nuc.dat runclipmean.cxx Now compile the programmes (replace 'g++' by an appropriate alternative, e.g. 'c++' or 'gcc', if you're using a different C++ compiler): g++ -o addgaps addgaps.cxx g++ -o minmax minmax.cxx g++ -o mlrgd mlrgd.cxx g++ -o ntadjust ntadjust.cxx g++ -o runclipmean runclipmean.cxx g++ -o runmean runmean.cxx Then copy these programmes to your ~/bin directory: mkdir ~/bin cp addgaps ~/bin cp minmax ~/bin cp mlrgd ~/bin cp ntadjust ~/bin cp runclipmean ~/bin cp runmean ~/bin Also make sure that run_mlrgd, redo_mlrgd and redo_plots are executable: chmod u+x run_mlrgd redo_mlrgd redo_plots REQUIRED SOFTWARE: You will also need to download and install the following software if you don't already have it: code2aln Sequence alignment programme. Obtain from seqret Part of the EMBOSS package. seqretsplit Obtain from infoseq degapseq ednaml Phylogeny programmes in the PHYLIP package. ednapars Repackaged as part of the EMBASSY package. Obtain from R Statistics and graphics package. Obtain from RUNNING CDSplotcon: Use the script run_mlrgd. Open run_mlrgd in a text-editor and edit the parameters in the 'Options' section if you like. Make sure run_mlrgd, aa2codon.dat, aa.dat, codon.dat and nuc.dat (and redo_mlrgd, redo_plots, if required) are in the working directory, together with the input sequences, sequence list and ORF annotation. Then type ./run_mlrgd 'prefix' where 'prefix'.seqs is the name of the sequences list. EXAMPLES: 1) Hepatitis B Virus example. cd EXAMPLE1 ./run_mlrgd hbv Note that a few of the parameters in EXAMPLE1/run_mlrgd differ from those in the default run_mlrgd - e.g. the 'circular' genome option is switched on. The output file 'hbv.fcm.eps' (view with e.g. 'ggv hbv.fcm.eps', or use 'epstopdf hbv.fcm.eps' then 'xpdf hbv.fcm.pdf') contains the conservation plots for the full-coding model. See the user's guide for details of all the other output files. 2) Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus example. cd EXAMPLE2 ./run_mlrgd bydv Note for MacOS-X users: I've noticed that MacOS-X tends to have a system-wide maximum stacksize limit of 65536 kB. To avoid exceeding this limit (resulting in a 'Segmentation Fault' error), you may need to edit the lines #define maxlength 50000 #define maxpairs 200 to #define maxlength 10000 #define maxpairs 20 in mlrgd.cxx before compiling. Unfortunately this will limit the maximum length of input sequences to 10000 nt and maximum number of input sequences to 10.